Saturday, April 20, 2019

Kanto Part 4: THIS GYM IS GREAT!

(I wanted to preface this part: this section of the game is extremely short and repetitive. So in order to not make a drawn out post, I will just post the highlights of my grinding, encounters, and then head into the gym battle. This short post should make up for the next couple which should have a little more content. So without further ado, please enjoy.)

3 down, 5 to go I thought to myself as I exited the gym. Before making our way to Rock Tunnel, I felt it would be best to do a little exploring. I make a quick cut through Diglett's Tunnel to Route 2 to pick up flash, although I'm never going to use it, and then head to Pewter to get the Old Amber. With new items in hand, we continue on our journey.

Route 9 was just a grinding spot as Birdman, White, LL, and Spears all grew to level 24. We failed our encounter after 3 encounters, but were fortunate to get our Route 10 encounter...

New Pokemon
Species: Voltorb
Name: Ludacris
Nature: Gentle
Ability: Static

Rock Tunnel had no luck for us in the way of an encounter as well. We made the trek through the dark cave battling all the trainers to grab a few extra levels. Migos learned rock slide thanks to some dude lurking in the darkness.

Here are the levels gained in Rock Tunnel:
Spears 24->26
LLCoolJ 24->26
Migos 23->24
Birdman 24->25

We exit the cave, avoid the trainers, and make our way to Lavender Town. After a quick heal, we skip over to Route 8 for one battle and an encounter.

New Pokemon
Species: Growlithe
Name: BahaMen
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Flash Fire

Once again, we dodge all the other trainers for now and head to Celadon City. Along the way, we fail another encounter on Route 7. 

We have a couple of things to do here before we challenge Erika. First, I make my way over to the Department store to buy a leaf stone, thunder stone, some fresh water, and to trade the drinks for TMs. Next, we make our way to the restaurant to pick up the coin case to feed my gambling addiction, which isn't a problem in this game...voltorb flip is a different thing, but we will talk about it when we get there, and make our way to the game corner. I see some shady dude lurking in the back and of course he wants to battle. White takes care of his Raticate and grows to level 25 and Migos handles Zubat. I then head to the prize area and debate on whether I want Dratini, Porygon, or if I want to go and get the Eevee. Ultimately, I decide to get Eevee after I had tea with a lady that reminded me of my grandma. After getting Eevee, I decided to hold off on using my thunder stone until later. However, Spears appreciated my purchasing of a leaf stone.

New Pokemon
Species: Eevee
Name: Skrillex
Nature: Serious
Ability: Run Away

Species: Vileplume
Name: Spears

At this point there is nothing left to do other than to head to the gym. As I approached the gym, I see an elderly gentleman climbing on top of a ladder. I wonder if the gym is closed since he is working on repairing the roof I think just as I reach the doors. "HEHEHE! THIS GYM IS GREAT! IT'S FULL OF WOMEN!" he shouts at me as I walk into the gym. "Perv" I say as I shake my head at the old man. He isn't wrong though...I use the lasses, beautys, cooltrainers, and picknickers in this gym to get some levels for my newly acquired Skrillex. After one last heal, it is time for Erika. Before I start, I turn around and see the old man still in the window, but this time he is giving me a thumbs up and making other gestures at me that an elderly person probably shouldn't be doing. Erika seems to have just woken from a nap, and who would blame her in this gym.

Celadon City Showdown

My game plan is very simple for her: let Birdman take care of business. Erika leads Victreebel and I led Birdman. Birdman hits 3 aerial aces and takes no damage. Victreebel missed a stun spore and then had to be healed. For her next Pokemon, Tangela, I decide to give Birdman a break and send out Spears. She lands 3 acids to knock Tangela out. Erika's final Pokemon was a Vileplume of her own and I send Birdman back out. Birdman connects an aerial ace as she gets paralyzed by Vileplume. Vileplume then gets a defence drop off of acid, but it doesn't matter to Birdman as she ko's Vileplume in return. 

Our journey has reached the halfway point. I wonder what else is in store for us.

Run Update
Team: 6

LLCoolJ the Squirtle
Level: 26
Water Pulse
Mega Kick

Skrillex the Eevee
Level: 27
Quick Attack
Helping Hand

Birdman the Fearow
Level: 28
Aerial Ace

Spears the Vileplume
Level: 27
Sleep Powder

Migos the Diglett
Level: 25
Rock Slide

White the Arbok
Level: 25
Poison Sting

Boxed: 9
RatPack the Rattata - Level 3
Yardbirds the Pidgey - Level 4
OZZY the Zubat - Level 9
B52S the Weedle - Level 7
Criss the Meowth - Level 14
R. Kelly the Drowzee - Level 13
MELLO the Jigglypuff - Level 17
Ludacris the Voltorb - Level 16
BahaMen the Growlithe - Level 17

Deaths: 1
TLC the Butterfree lvl 5-17

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