Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Kanto Part 2: Drowning in Water

I quickly grab my Boulder Badge from Brock and the newly acquired Rock Tomb and storm out of the gym. After a quick heal, it is time to take on the glorious Mt. Moon. On my way, one of Oak's aides decides I'm not going fast enough and he gives me running shoes. "Here you go Michael. You just need to ---" I throw the shoes on and zoom away down Route 3 before he could finish. The trainers here are a nice way for the rest of the team to gain some levels as I smash bird after bird, bug after bug along the way. I'm finally able to get my first encounter on the route, secretly hoping for one of the Nidos or Mankey. My first encounter was a Pidgey so I look again, only to find another Pidgey. Last chance I thought to myself.

New Pokemon
Species: Jigglypuff
Nature: Impish
Ability: Cute Charm

Not quite what I had in mind, but we'll roll with it. With that out of the way, I approached the giant cave that is Mt. Moon. I entered to get another new friend for the team, which you probably could guess who it is...

New Pokemon
Species: Zubat
Name: OZZY
Nature: Naive
Ability: Inner Focus

I decide to quickly get through Mt. Moon. I find the Zubats to be extremely annoying and not very good for leveling up. I've also had some bad luck in Mt. Moon on previous visits so I knew which areas I needed to be cautious. I have no problem on the main floor until I decide to take on some super nerd named Jovan. The worst thing for my team at this point was an electric type...luckily for me this nerd had 2. I decide to lead MELLO and try to put the Magnemite to sleep which luckily she lands the first one. I swap to TLC because she is my most expendable member. Thankfully, Magnemite decided it wanted to take a nice long nap and TLC came through with the knockout. His next Pokemon was Voltorb which led me to swap back to MELLO and try the same strategy. Unfortunately, I was not so lucky this time as MELLO missed 2 Sings. I decided to scrap that idea and just try to knock it out before any harm came to my team. MELLO's defense was lowered twice and Voltorb needed just two more hits, but MELLO wasn't able to finish the job. Voltorb decided now was the time to get a crit tackle. My heart stopped as I watched MELLO's HP rapidly drop all the way to 2. Not taking the risk to get the last hit, I swapped to TLC to finish the job. After the close call, I leave the cave to heal and then proceed the rest of the way. At the end, I decided to praise Lord Helix and take a fossil. I decided to teach Mega Punch and Mega Kick to MELLO and LL respectively and then get my encounter.

New Pokemon
Species: Ekans
Name: White (named after Whitesnake)
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Shed Skin

With the newly acquired Pokemon in hand, we finally arrived at Cerulean City and the home of the enchanting Misty. I make my way to the Poke Center for some R&R before getting some cash and kicking some butt. Kris decides he wants to show off his "strong" and "smart" Pokemon to me. He leads Pidgeotto and I counter with LL. After 1 quick attack, he pro plays me and hard swaps to Bulbasaur. TLC is my obvious answer and she has no problem taking Bulbasaur down. He decided to go back into Pidgeotto and I back into LL. After a drawn out battle thanks to the awesome move that is sand-attack, Pidgeotto falls. His last two Pokemon are no challenge for Birdman and we walk away 2-0 vs Kris. Not as strong or smart as lead on to believe.  Routes 24 and 25 were uneventful, just a great grinding spot and 2 new catches.

New Pokemon
Species: Weedle
Name: B52S
Nature: Mild
Ability: Shield Dust

New Pokemon
Species: Oddish
Name: Spears
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Chlorophyll

I help Bill out with his "problem" in exchange for a boat ticket, fear of drowning activated, and make my way back down to Cerulean. I wanted to go get a few more catches before taking on Misty to put a semi-solid team together. I head to Route 5 and have 0 luck after 3 attempts so I move on. Route 6 granted me an adorable little kitty.

New Pokemon
Species: Meowth
Name: Criss
Nature: Sassy
Ability: Pickup

And Route 11 gives me a creeper.

New Pokemon
Species: Drowzee
Name: R. Kelly
Nature: Calm
Ability: Insomnia

And the obvious...

New Pokemon
Species: Diglett
Name: Migos
Nature: Sassy
Ability: Arena Trap

I decide to swap White with Migos to get aquainted with the rest of my team and head over to the Cerulean City Gym.

Cerulean City Showdown

My strategy going into this battle was to use everyone except Spears, who evolved into Gloom prior to the battle, and LL against Staryu to save health. Misty led Staryu and I led TLC. TLC landed the first poison powder. After a series of water pulses from Staryu and confusions from TLC, we both healed. TLC hurt herself in confusion the turn after, got hit by a water pulse, and then couldn't take a crit water pulse and silently fell asleep in eternal slumber. Furious by the loss of a dear friend, Birdman was out for blood and decided to pop back. However it was TLC and the poison that ultimately bested Staryu, revenge from the grave is the best kind of revenge. 

Death comes for ye:
TLC the Butterfree

The battle with Starmie was less anticlimactic. Spears missed her first 2 sleep powders forcing me to burn a potion while continuing to take swifts. She landed the third and Starmie slept for 4 turns until its defeat. Our second badge was earned, but at the cost of a close friend. 

Run Update
Team: 5

LLCoolJ the Squirtle
Level: 19
Water Gun
Mega Kick

MELLO the Jigglypuff
Level: 15
Mega Punch

Birdman the Spearow
Level: 17
Fury Attack

Spears the Gloom
Level: 21
Poison Powder
Sleep Powder
Stun Spore

Migos the Diglett
Level: 19

Boxed: 7
RatPack the Rattata - Level 3
Yardbirds the Pidgey - Level 4
OZZY the Zubat - Level 9
White the Ekans - Level 11
B52S the Weedle - Level 7
Criss the Meowth - Level 14
R. Kelly the Drowzee - Level 13

Deaths: 1
TLC the Butterfree lvl 5-17 

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