Saturday, April 20, 2019

Kanto Part 3: Smooth Sailing

Continuing on after our victory over Misty, we make our way back through the underground path to Route 6. This is a perfect opportunity for some grinding. Have to make sure we are ready for Surge since I don't have the best matchup. The trainers here are pretty weak and we move through them quickly. Birdman was my main focus as she grew to level 19 and learned pursuit. After exploring Vermilion City and seeing all it has to offer, I decided it was time to look past my fear of drowning and visit the S.S. Anne.

My plan here was to switch train Migos to get ready for Surge. I guess my levels weren't that good as I found myself constantly running back to heal. We made our way through the bottom part of the ship and the main floor. I decided next to make my way to the kitchen only to find that the chefs were throwing out perfectly good berries, at least I hoped they were fresh! Before anyone could see, I picked them out of the trash, mmm, and stuffed them in my bag. The rest of the trainers on the boat were no problem for our team.

Species: Fearow
Name: Birdman

I heard there was a cut master on board the ship so I wet to seek out his guidance. As I approached the captain's quarters, who should I run into other than Kris.

Rival Battle #3

It was a battle of the birds as Kris led Pidgeotto and I led Birdman. Birdman leered him twice and finished him with a crit peck. Next, Kris went into his Raticate and I into LL. Raticate missed his first hyper fang as I water pulsed him. Then knocked him out on the next turn with water pulse as LL grew to level 22. Krist sends out Ivysaur and I swap back into Birdman who hits Ivysaur with a peck as it puts me to sleep. I use my second turn to heal and Ivysaur whips it's vines. Birdman sleeps for one turn then knockout Ivysaur with another peck. For his last Pokemon, Kadabra, I swap back into LL. Apparently his Kadabra hasn't gotten any better as it uses its two turns to click disable. LL knocks it out after a bite and water pulse. With that annoyance out of the way, we continue to climb the stairs to see the captain. "Will you rub my back please? I'm a little seasick," the captain says to me. Why captain a boat if you get seasick I think to myself as I oblige the man's odd request. He thanks me and gives me cut. The boat sails away and I head back to the Poke Center.

I contemplate heading right to the gym, but I need something other than Migos to help with Surge. I had taken White out of the box to replace TLC, RIP, but I had no intentions of using him until I remember he could learn dig. I teach him dig and make my way to route 11 to train him up. White was only level 14 and the rest of my team was nearing the level cap so I had to be careful about which Pokemon I used. I quickly moved through the trainers until White was level 19, which also happened to be after I beat the last trainer. I fed him 3 pieces of candy and watched as my team was now ready.

Species: Arbok
Name: White

Vermilion City Showdown

My plan here was to use White against Voltorb and Migos against Pikachu and Raichu. White used dig turn 1 and Voltorb missed its shock wave while White was underground. White hit it hard with dig and Voltorb missed a sonic boom. Surge thought it was a good idea to heal as White bit back. White finished the battle off with a dig. Surge then went into Pikachu who Migos handled easily with a magnitude 10. Raichu wasn't as annoying as it could have been with double team. Raichu began the battle with quick attack as Migos hit back with a magnitude 7. Raichu used double team on the second turn, but Migos broke through with another magnitude 7 to earn us our third badge!

Run Update
Team: 6

LLCoolJ the Squirtle
Level: 23
Water Pulse
Mega Kick

MELLO the Jigglypuff
Level: 17
Mega Punch

Birdman the Fearow
Level: 22
Fury Attack

Spears the Gloom
Level: 23
Poison Powder
Sleep Powder

Migos the Diglett
Level: 23

White the Arbok
Level: 22
Poison Sting

Boxed: 6
RatPack the Rattata - Level 3
Yardbirds the Pidgey - Level 4
OZZY the Zubat - Level 9
B52S the Weedle - Level 7
Criss the Meowth - Level 14
R. Kelly the Drowzee - Level 13

Deaths: 1
TLC the Butterfree lvl 5-17 

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