Friday, May 3, 2019

Kanto Part 9: A Song of Fighting and Ice

The time had come for our final tests...

Enter Lorelei:

She started the battle with her trusty Dewgong. I started with Skrillex. After 2 shock waves, Lorelei had to heal, 2 more shock waves and it was down for the count. Cloyster was an easy knockout for Skrillex thanks to its low special defence. Skrillex came through in the clutch with a crit OHKO shock wave against the fat Slowbro. Here is where the battle gets really fun: Lapras. I hoped to hax my way through this battle as Lapras gave my team the most trouble. I started by thunder waving it only to be critted in return with a surf.Skrillex retaliated with a shock wave and lived an ice beam on low HP. Time for a quick heal, only to be critted by a body slam. Another heal, this time Lapras went for confuse ray. Skrillex went for a sand-attack, but he hurt himself in confusion. I was forced to use a full restore after taking 2 ice beams. I decided to try and lower Lapras' accuracy as much as possible and hope for many full paralysis. I got Lapras to -2 accuracy and started spamming shock waves. After 2 straight full para, Lapras' sitrus berry popped. Lorelei went for the full restore forcing me to thunder wave it again. 2 more shock waves, and the long drawn out battle with Lapras was over. Here final Pokemon was Jynx and I decided Meatloaf was my best counter for her. Meatloaf decided to take a little siesta, sleeping for 6 out of 9 turns. When she wasn't sleeping, her shadow balls were doing the most damage. Meatloaf came through in the end and Lorelei was defeated.

Enter Bruno:

Against every Elite Four member, I had at least one drawn out battle. Luckily, his first Pokemon was not that. Spears OHKO'd Onix with a giga drain after taking an earthquake. I had to rely on Spears against Hitmonchan as I wanted LLCoolJ to be as healthy as possible for Machamp. I thought putting Hitmonchan to sleep would be my best play. However, that was not the case. Hitmonchan decided to wake up after 1 or 2 turns...EVERY...SINGLE...TIME!! It frustrated me to no end and I felt that I was going to lose something in this battle based on how our second fight was going. After a lot of back and forth with attacks, heal after heal, Spears took care of Hitmonchan thanks to defense drops from acid. Spear's job was done, now it was up to LLCoolJ. After 3 surfs and 2 max potions, Hitmonlee was down. Next up was his ace, the massive Machamp.  I was super lucky in this fight as it could have been a lot worse. I was forced to heal on turn one as Champ missed a cross chop. LL hit with a crit surf, popping Champ's sitrus berry as he went for bulk up, the worst thing he could have gone for after getting some HP back. LL hit another surf as Machamp went for scary face, thank God! Machamp landed his last cross chop before being knocked out by LL with another surf. LL closed our second fight out by beating Onix.

Our challenge was coming to an end, but our hardest battles were yet to come.

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