Sunday, May 5, 2019

Kanto Part 11: An Epic Showdown

Lance informed me last time that I had one more challenge ahead of me as Kris had beaten him first.

Enter Champion Kris:

This battle started out the way all rival battles start with him leading Pidgeot. I counter with Skrillex who takes care of it pretty easily with 2 shock waves, the second was a crit but it didn't matter. Next up was Rhydon, so I swapped into LLCoolJ. LL got another useless crit as Rhydon was taken out by surf. Next up was Venusaur. I went into Spears to try and lower its defense with acid. Venusaur started off by going for growth of the first 2 turns to set up pretty quickly. I spammed acid as that was the only thing I could do against it for the time being. Venusaur then went for sunny day, which was nice for Spears to get the speed boost. He went for another growth after setting the sun as I continued to spam acid. This turn he thinks it will be a great idea to click solar beam, which makes sense now since he has the sun up. I watch as Spears' health quickly drops all the way to zero.

Death comes for ye:
Spears the Vileplume

I decide to counter with Migos, knowing that he is weak to grass. I wanted to cheese my way through the rest of the battle. I hit it with dig as Venusaur went for his second solar beam, missing Migos and running out the sun. Next turn, Migos connected with dig as Venusaur went for sunny day again. Migos dug another hole while Venusaur got most of its health back from synthesis. The dig connected, but me being as smart as I am, forgot that solar beam was a one turn move with sun up causing Migos to take a direct hit to the face.

Death comes for ye:
Migos the Dugtrio

Just like that we had lost 1/3 of our team. Thankfully, Venusaur only had 2 solar beams left. I went into LL to burn one of them with protect and then swapped out into Meatloaf on the sunny day. After taking the solar beam, Meatloaf was eventually able to knock Venusaur out with a double-edge and avenge the fallen. Next up was the dreaded Alakazam. I healed on turn one was Zam set up a reflect. Zam then hit Meatloaf with a psychic as I went for a shadow ball. This series of events happened again before both of us had to heal up. After taking 2 more psychics, Meatloaf was able to finish Alakazam off with shadow ball. I used the first turn against Gyarados to heal up Meatloaf as she got hit by a dragon rage. I swapped into LL on another dragon rage. Gyarados began thrashing LL went for blizzard, thankfully connecting. The next 2 turns I healed LL and Meatloaf respectively as I waited for Gyarados to get confused. I swapped back into Meatloaf on the first turn that Gyarados was confused and got hit by dragon rage. Gyarados went back to thrash as Meatloaf returned the attacks with double-edge. I was then forced to heal up Meatloaf as Gyarados continued its rampage. I then got off a toxic for some chip damage, but Gyarados went for dragon rage 2 turns in a row allowing Meatloaf to finish it with double-edge. His last Pokemon was Arcanine. I used the first 2 turns of this battle to heal Meatloaf and LL as Arcanine hit Meatloaf with an extreme speed and flamethrower. I swapped into LL for the rest of the battle. After 4 extreme speeds from Arcanine, 1 full restore on LL, and 2 surfs...Arcanine was defeated. Our journey was over...we were the champion! I mourned the loss of the fallen team members during the hall of fame ceremony, but began preparing for our next journey in Johto. 

Run Update
Team: 4

LLCoolJ the Blastoise
Level: 48

Skrillex the Jolteon
Level: 49
Shock Wave
Thunder Wave

Meatloaf the Snorlax
Level: 49
Shadow Ball

Jagger the Aerodactyl
Level: 37
Wing Attack
Rock Tomb
Ancient Power

Boxed: 22
RatPack the Rattata - Level 3
Yardbirds the Pidgey - Level 4
OZZY the Zubat - Level 9
B52S the Weedle - Level 7
Criss the Meowth - Level 14
R. Kelly the Drowzee - Level 13
MELLO the Jigglypuff - Level 17
Ludacris the Voltorb - Level 16
BahaMen the Growlithe - Level 17
Ghost the Gastly - Level 14
Gaga the Horsea - Level 23
LitaFord the Poliwag - Level 22
Eminem the Magikarp - Level 5
Bieber the Venonat - Level 26
Crimson the Goldeen - Level 20
Rush the Doduo - Level 24
BeachBoy the Lapras - Level 25
Sia the Tangela - Level 20
Motorhead the Ponyta - Level 34
FFDP the Machop - Level 35
Blondie the Psyduck - Level 31
Babymetal the Tentacool - Level 5

Deaths: 5
TLC the Butterfree lvl 5-17
Birdman the Fearow lvl 3-35
White the Arbok lvl 5-44
Spears the Vileplume lvl 14-47
Migos the Dugtrio lvl 19-45

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