Saturday, May 4, 2019

Kanto Part 10: Spooky Scary Dragons

Enter Agatha:

My strategy versus Agatha was to spam shadow ball with Meatloaf. After her first Gengar, this battle was fairly easy. It wasn't a tough battle, just super annoying. She began with the Gengar that knew double team and setup 2 of them right away. Next she felt a confuse ray was in order and Meatloaf missed 2 shadow balls before breaking out of confusion. Gengar landed another confuse ray and Meatloaf missed agin. Gengar then got to +3 evasion as Meatloaf hurt herself in confusion. At +4 evasion, Meatloaf was finally able to finish off that annoying Gengar. I decided to give her a break against Golbat and swapped into Skrillex to ko Golbat. Meatloaf then took care of Arbok with an earthquake and the last Gengar and Haunter with  more shadow balls.

3 down...1 to go.

Enter Lance:

Lance led Gyarados and I countered with Skrillex. He chose to dragon rage Skrillex as I went for a shock wave, just barely missing an OHKO. Lance healed and Skrillex again connected a shock wave. One more shock wave and Gyarados was down. Next, Lance went into one of his Dragonair. Meatloaf entered the battle and ko'd it with 2 double-edges. His second dragonair was more of a problem. I was forced to heal on turn one as Dragonair landed an outrage. The second outrage critted Meatloaf as she went for a double-edge forcing me to heal once more the following turn. Luckily, Dragonair became confused after 3 outrages, but still landed a hyper beam. However, Meatloaf ate it up and finished it wiht shadow ball. In comes the feared Dragonite. LLCoolJ missed a blizzard as Dragonite went for safeguard. I land a double protect as Dragonite outrages. LL lands a blizzard to pop Dragonite's berry as it continues to outrage. I protect on the last outrage that causes confusion. Dragonite hits Meatloaf with a powerful hyper beam the same turn I swapped her in. Snorlax was able to pick up the KO thanks to the recharge on hyper beam. Last up was Aerodactyl. I decided to play the long game on this one. Aerodactyl connected with hyper beam as I once again healed up Meatloaf. On the recharge, I decided to attempt to toxic it, but Meatloaf missed. Next, Aerodactyl went for ancient power as Meatloaf once again missed a toxic. At this point, I decided I needed to damage this thing before he got the boost. Aerodactyl hit Meatloaf with a wing attack as she connected with a shadow ball. I was forced to heal before the incoming hyper beam. On the recharge I decided to have Meatloaf try again to toxic Aerodactyl. Thankfully, she was able to land it and get some solid chip damage on it. I healed again as Aerodactyl picked up the ancient power boost. I healed again to stall out the toxic and again Aerodactyl attacked with ancient power. This time, I swapped LL in on the hyper beam and proceeded to ko Aerodactyl on the following turn with a big surf.

My Elite Four challenge was finally at an end and with full party in tact. I had done it...or at least I would have if Kris hadn't arrived before me. Our toughest battle yet was still ahead and I could feel myself trembling at the battle before me.

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