Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Kanto Part 8: Meet the Squad

I wanted to share a little about the team I am bringing to the Elite Four.
LLCoolJ the Blastoise (Leftovers)
With a bit of luck and care, our starter has survived the long journey and hopefully will see it all the way through. His moveset has not changed in a while. Surf is there for a hard hitting STAB move for things I don't have a super effective move, Bruno's Onix, and Kris' Arcanine. Blizzard will help greatly against Lance and his Dragonites. Bite is there for Agatha, although I may save LL from having to face them and protect will allow me to scout for things and get some leftovers health back.
Meatloaf the Snorlax (Leftovers)
Shadow Ball
I decided to completely change Meatloaf's whole moveset. I was rocking double STAB, rest/sleep talk, but I figured this set was going to give me problems. I decided to just have her learn double-edge for a strong STAB move and I would deal with the recoil. Earthquake was there for an extra move. I would just click it if it was super effective or if I ran out of double-edges or shadow balls. Shadow ball allowed Meatloaf to easily handled Agatha's whole team and Kris' Alakazam. Meatloaf was our main wall so I taught her toxic to stall out opponents.
Skrillex the Jolteon
Shock Wave
Thunder Wave
Honestly, not much to say here about Skrillex's moves. This has been the standard moveset pretty much the whole game. I decided to keep thunder wave to slow some things down, which in combination with sand-attack, may come in handy. Bite will help against Agatha and shock wave is pretty much his only STAB move option (didn't want to grind up to learn thunder). 
Spears the Vileplume
Giga Drain
Sleep Powder
Sunny Day
Much like Skrillex and Migos, Spears' moveset hasn't changed all that much. I decided to teach her sunny day to boost her speed thanks to chlorophyll. Sleep powder to be annoying and allow her to freely set sunny day. Giga drain and acid for STAB. I planned on using Spears specifically against Bruno since I was worried about his fighting type Pokemon.
Migos the Dugtrio
Rock Slide
Nothing new to report here. Dig and magnitude were unfortunately Migos' best STAB options since I did not teach him earthquake. Rock Slide to hit flying types and hopefully get some flinches. Slash was there because I didn't have a good fourth move for him. I was a little weary about using Migos at all in the Elite Four because of him being so frail, but I figured I'd roll with him since he has been on the team for a good part of our journey.
Jagger the Aerodactyl
Wing Attack
Rock Tomb
Ancient Power
Last, but not least, our newest addition to the team. Jagger was meant to be death fodder since he was the lowest leveled member of our team. There may be certain situations in which he could come in and be useful, but otherwise he will ride the pine until he has to make the ultimate sacrifice.

I'll split the Elite Four into 3 parts (Lorelei/Bruno, Agatha/Lance, Champion Kris). Stay tuned to swee how our journey ends!!

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