Sunday, May 5, 2019

Kanto Part 11: An Epic Showdown

Lance informed me last time that I had one more challenge ahead of me as Kris had beaten him first.

Enter Champion Kris:

This battle started out the way all rival battles start with him leading Pidgeot. I counter with Skrillex who takes care of it pretty easily with 2 shock waves, the second was a crit but it didn't matter. Next up was Rhydon, so I swapped into LLCoolJ. LL got another useless crit as Rhydon was taken out by surf. Next up was Venusaur. I went into Spears to try and lower its defense with acid. Venusaur started off by going for growth of the first 2 turns to set up pretty quickly. I spammed acid as that was the only thing I could do against it for the time being. Venusaur then went for sunny day, which was nice for Spears to get the speed boost. He went for another growth after setting the sun as I continued to spam acid. This turn he thinks it will be a great idea to click solar beam, which makes sense now since he has the sun up. I watch as Spears' health quickly drops all the way to zero.

Death comes for ye:
Spears the Vileplume

I decide to counter with Migos, knowing that he is weak to grass. I wanted to cheese my way through the rest of the battle. I hit it with dig as Venusaur went for his second solar beam, missing Migos and running out the sun. Next turn, Migos connected with dig as Venusaur went for sunny day again. Migos dug another hole while Venusaur got most of its health back from synthesis. The dig connected, but me being as smart as I am, forgot that solar beam was a one turn move with sun up causing Migos to take a direct hit to the face.

Death comes for ye:
Migos the Dugtrio

Just like that we had lost 1/3 of our team. Thankfully, Venusaur only had 2 solar beams left. I went into LL to burn one of them with protect and then swapped out into Meatloaf on the sunny day. After taking the solar beam, Meatloaf was eventually able to knock Venusaur out with a double-edge and avenge the fallen. Next up was the dreaded Alakazam. I healed on turn one was Zam set up a reflect. Zam then hit Meatloaf with a psychic as I went for a shadow ball. This series of events happened again before both of us had to heal up. After taking 2 more psychics, Meatloaf was able to finish Alakazam off with shadow ball. I used the first turn against Gyarados to heal up Meatloaf as she got hit by a dragon rage. I swapped into LL on another dragon rage. Gyarados began thrashing LL went for blizzard, thankfully connecting. The next 2 turns I healed LL and Meatloaf respectively as I waited for Gyarados to get confused. I swapped back into Meatloaf on the first turn that Gyarados was confused and got hit by dragon rage. Gyarados went back to thrash as Meatloaf returned the attacks with double-edge. I was then forced to heal up Meatloaf as Gyarados continued its rampage. I then got off a toxic for some chip damage, but Gyarados went for dragon rage 2 turns in a row allowing Meatloaf to finish it with double-edge. His last Pokemon was Arcanine. I used the first 2 turns of this battle to heal Meatloaf and LL as Arcanine hit Meatloaf with an extreme speed and flamethrower. I swapped into LL for the rest of the battle. After 4 extreme speeds from Arcanine, 1 full restore on LL, and 2 surfs...Arcanine was defeated. Our journey was over...we were the champion! I mourned the loss of the fallen team members during the hall of fame ceremony, but began preparing for our next journey in Johto. 

Run Update
Team: 4

LLCoolJ the Blastoise
Level: 48

Skrillex the Jolteon
Level: 49
Shock Wave
Thunder Wave

Meatloaf the Snorlax
Level: 49
Shadow Ball

Jagger the Aerodactyl
Level: 37
Wing Attack
Rock Tomb
Ancient Power

Boxed: 22
RatPack the Rattata - Level 3
Yardbirds the Pidgey - Level 4
OZZY the Zubat - Level 9
B52S the Weedle - Level 7
Criss the Meowth - Level 14
R. Kelly the Drowzee - Level 13
MELLO the Jigglypuff - Level 17
Ludacris the Voltorb - Level 16
BahaMen the Growlithe - Level 17
Ghost the Gastly - Level 14
Gaga the Horsea - Level 23
LitaFord the Poliwag - Level 22
Eminem the Magikarp - Level 5
Bieber the Venonat - Level 26
Crimson the Goldeen - Level 20
Rush the Doduo - Level 24
BeachBoy the Lapras - Level 25
Sia the Tangela - Level 20
Motorhead the Ponyta - Level 34
FFDP the Machop - Level 35
Blondie the Psyduck - Level 31
Babymetal the Tentacool - Level 5

Deaths: 5
TLC the Butterfree lvl 5-17
Birdman the Fearow lvl 3-35
White the Arbok lvl 5-44
Spears the Vileplume lvl 14-47
Migos the Dugtrio lvl 19-45

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Kanto Part 10: Spooky Scary Dragons

Enter Agatha:

My strategy versus Agatha was to spam shadow ball with Meatloaf. After her first Gengar, this battle was fairly easy. It wasn't a tough battle, just super annoying. She began with the Gengar that knew double team and setup 2 of them right away. Next she felt a confuse ray was in order and Meatloaf missed 2 shadow balls before breaking out of confusion. Gengar landed another confuse ray and Meatloaf missed agin. Gengar then got to +3 evasion as Meatloaf hurt herself in confusion. At +4 evasion, Meatloaf was finally able to finish off that annoying Gengar. I decided to give her a break against Golbat and swapped into Skrillex to ko Golbat. Meatloaf then took care of Arbok with an earthquake and the last Gengar and Haunter with  more shadow balls.

3 down...1 to go.

Enter Lance:

Lance led Gyarados and I countered with Skrillex. He chose to dragon rage Skrillex as I went for a shock wave, just barely missing an OHKO. Lance healed and Skrillex again connected a shock wave. One more shock wave and Gyarados was down. Next, Lance went into one of his Dragonair. Meatloaf entered the battle and ko'd it with 2 double-edges. His second dragonair was more of a problem. I was forced to heal on turn one as Dragonair landed an outrage. The second outrage critted Meatloaf as she went for a double-edge forcing me to heal once more the following turn. Luckily, Dragonair became confused after 3 outrages, but still landed a hyper beam. However, Meatloaf ate it up and finished it wiht shadow ball. In comes the feared Dragonite. LLCoolJ missed a blizzard as Dragonite went for safeguard. I land a double protect as Dragonite outrages. LL lands a blizzard to pop Dragonite's berry as it continues to outrage. I protect on the last outrage that causes confusion. Dragonite hits Meatloaf with a powerful hyper beam the same turn I swapped her in. Snorlax was able to pick up the KO thanks to the recharge on hyper beam. Last up was Aerodactyl. I decided to play the long game on this one. Aerodactyl connected with hyper beam as I once again healed up Meatloaf. On the recharge, I decided to attempt to toxic it, but Meatloaf missed. Next, Aerodactyl went for ancient power as Meatloaf once again missed a toxic. At this point, I decided I needed to damage this thing before he got the boost. Aerodactyl hit Meatloaf with a wing attack as she connected with a shadow ball. I was forced to heal before the incoming hyper beam. On the recharge I decided to have Meatloaf try again to toxic Aerodactyl. Thankfully, she was able to land it and get some solid chip damage on it. I healed again as Aerodactyl picked up the ancient power boost. I healed again to stall out the toxic and again Aerodactyl attacked with ancient power. This time, I swapped LL in on the hyper beam and proceeded to ko Aerodactyl on the following turn with a big surf.

My Elite Four challenge was finally at an end and with full party in tact. I had done it...or at least I would have if Kris hadn't arrived before me. Our toughest battle yet was still ahead and I could feel myself trembling at the battle before me.

Friday, May 3, 2019

Kanto Part 9: A Song of Fighting and Ice

The time had come for our final tests...

Enter Lorelei:

She started the battle with her trusty Dewgong. I started with Skrillex. After 2 shock waves, Lorelei had to heal, 2 more shock waves and it was down for the count. Cloyster was an easy knockout for Skrillex thanks to its low special defence. Skrillex came through in the clutch with a crit OHKO shock wave against the fat Slowbro. Here is where the battle gets really fun: Lapras. I hoped to hax my way through this battle as Lapras gave my team the most trouble. I started by thunder waving it only to be critted in return with a surf.Skrillex retaliated with a shock wave and lived an ice beam on low HP. Time for a quick heal, only to be critted by a body slam. Another heal, this time Lapras went for confuse ray. Skrillex went for a sand-attack, but he hurt himself in confusion. I was forced to use a full restore after taking 2 ice beams. I decided to try and lower Lapras' accuracy as much as possible and hope for many full paralysis. I got Lapras to -2 accuracy and started spamming shock waves. After 2 straight full para, Lapras' sitrus berry popped. Lorelei went for the full restore forcing me to thunder wave it again. 2 more shock waves, and the long drawn out battle with Lapras was over. Here final Pokemon was Jynx and I decided Meatloaf was my best counter for her. Meatloaf decided to take a little siesta, sleeping for 6 out of 9 turns. When she wasn't sleeping, her shadow balls were doing the most damage. Meatloaf came through in the end and Lorelei was defeated.

Enter Bruno:

Against every Elite Four member, I had at least one drawn out battle. Luckily, his first Pokemon was not that. Spears OHKO'd Onix with a giga drain after taking an earthquake. I had to rely on Spears against Hitmonchan as I wanted LLCoolJ to be as healthy as possible for Machamp. I thought putting Hitmonchan to sleep would be my best play. However, that was not the case. Hitmonchan decided to wake up after 1 or 2 turns...EVERY...SINGLE...TIME!! It frustrated me to no end and I felt that I was going to lose something in this battle based on how our second fight was going. After a lot of back and forth with attacks, heal after heal, Spears took care of Hitmonchan thanks to defense drops from acid. Spear's job was done, now it was up to LLCoolJ. After 3 surfs and 2 max potions, Hitmonlee was down. Next up was his ace, the massive Machamp.  I was super lucky in this fight as it could have been a lot worse. I was forced to heal on turn one as Champ missed a cross chop. LL hit with a crit surf, popping Champ's sitrus berry as he went for bulk up, the worst thing he could have gone for after getting some HP back. LL hit another surf as Machamp went for scary face, thank God! Machamp landed his last cross chop before being knocked out by LL with another surf. LL closed our second fight out by beating Onix.

Our challenge was coming to an end, but our hardest battles were yet to come.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Kanto Part 8: Meet the Squad

I wanted to share a little about the team I am bringing to the Elite Four.
LLCoolJ the Blastoise (Leftovers)
With a bit of luck and care, our starter has survived the long journey and hopefully will see it all the way through. His moveset has not changed in a while. Surf is there for a hard hitting STAB move for things I don't have a super effective move, Bruno's Onix, and Kris' Arcanine. Blizzard will help greatly against Lance and his Dragonites. Bite is there for Agatha, although I may save LL from having to face them and protect will allow me to scout for things and get some leftovers health back.
Meatloaf the Snorlax (Leftovers)
Shadow Ball
I decided to completely change Meatloaf's whole moveset. I was rocking double STAB, rest/sleep talk, but I figured this set was going to give me problems. I decided to just have her learn double-edge for a strong STAB move and I would deal with the recoil. Earthquake was there for an extra move. I would just click it if it was super effective or if I ran out of double-edges or shadow balls. Shadow ball allowed Meatloaf to easily handled Agatha's whole team and Kris' Alakazam. Meatloaf was our main wall so I taught her toxic to stall out opponents.
Skrillex the Jolteon
Shock Wave
Thunder Wave
Honestly, not much to say here about Skrillex's moves. This has been the standard moveset pretty much the whole game. I decided to keep thunder wave to slow some things down, which in combination with sand-attack, may come in handy. Bite will help against Agatha and shock wave is pretty much his only STAB move option (didn't want to grind up to learn thunder). 
Spears the Vileplume
Giga Drain
Sleep Powder
Sunny Day
Much like Skrillex and Migos, Spears' moveset hasn't changed all that much. I decided to teach her sunny day to boost her speed thanks to chlorophyll. Sleep powder to be annoying and allow her to freely set sunny day. Giga drain and acid for STAB. I planned on using Spears specifically against Bruno since I was worried about his fighting type Pokemon.
Migos the Dugtrio
Rock Slide
Nothing new to report here. Dig and magnitude were unfortunately Migos' best STAB options since I did not teach him earthquake. Rock Slide to hit flying types and hopefully get some flinches. Slash was there because I didn't have a good fourth move for him. I was a little weary about using Migos at all in the Elite Four because of him being so frail, but I figured I'd roll with him since he has been on the team for a good part of our journey.
Jagger the Aerodactyl
Wing Attack
Rock Tomb
Ancient Power
Last, but not least, our newest addition to the team. Jagger was meant to be death fodder since he was the lowest leveled member of our team. There may be certain situations in which he could come in and be useful, but otherwise he will ride the pine until he has to make the ultimate sacrifice.

I'll split the Elite Four into 3 parts (Lorelei/Bruno, Agatha/Lance, Champion Kris). Stay tuned to swee how our journey ends!!

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Kanto Part 7: The End?

With 7 badges down, we head on to our final gym challenge...will this be the end or will we live to fight another day?

Back at Viridian City, we make our way into the gym. We clear out the trainers here, run back to heal, and head straight for Giovanni

Viridian City Showdown

After the battle with Blaine, I didn't think we would have a quicker battle...but boy was I wrong. Spears easily took care of both Giovanni's Rhyhorns, Snorlax handled Dugtrio, and Blastoise elimnated the King and Queen to earn our final badge. The battle was not very eventful as it only lasted 6 turns. 

We made our way to Route 22 where Kris wanted to battle one last time before our final challenge.

Rival Battle #6

As usual, Kris led with his Pidgeot. I let Migos take care of him and he did not disappoint. The first 2 rock slides flinched Pidgeot and he was knocked out on the third. Kris then sent out Venusaur, which I figured would give a lot of problems to my team, so I went Meatloaf. This was a long drawn out battle thanks to synthesis and Venusaur being fully paralyzed from body slam. Eventually, Meatloaf was able to knock out Venusaur. Rhyhorn was no match for Spears and next up was Alakazam. The sole purpose of having Meatloaf on the team was specifically for Zam. Kris went right for the throat with a calm mind, however the rest of the battle consisted of absolutely nothing. The turns are as follows
Zam calm mind - Meatloaf body slam 
Zam disable (failed) - Meatloaf full para
Zam disable (miss) - Meatloaf full para
Zam disable (failed) - Meatloaf full para
Zam disable (miss) - Meatloaf shadow ball for the kill
Luckily, the rest of the battle went smoothly as Migos took care of Growlithe and Skrillex ko'd Gyarados.

It was finally time for the last stretch...Victory Road. We lost our encounter as Geodude would rather commit suicide, than join our team. The trainers here were good levels, but halfway through....White found itself getting critted by a flamethrower from Dawson's Charmeleon.

Death comes for ye:
White the Arbok

I decided to pick up Jagger the Aerodactyl from the box and train him up as much as I could before the Elite Four. If all else failed, at least I had some death fodder in case I needed to sac something off. (The image at the end was the squad after Giovanni.)

Run Update
Team: 6

LLCoolJ the Blastoise
Level: 46

Skrillex the Jolteon
Level: 46
Shock Wave
Thunder Wave

Meatloaf the Snorlax
Level: 47
Body Slam
Sleep Talk

Spears the Vileplume
Level: 47
Giga Drain
Sleep Powder

Migos the Dugtrio
Level: 45
Rock Slide

Jagger the Aerodactyl
Level: 37
Wing Attack
Rock Tomb
Ancient Power

Boxed: 22
RatPack the Rattata - Level 3
Yardbirds the Pidgey - Level 4
OZZY the Zubat - Level 9
B52S the Weedle - Level 7
Criss the Meowth - Level 14
R. Kelly the Drowzee - Level 13
MELLO the Jigglypuff - Level 17
Ludacris the Voltorb - Level 16
BahaMen the Growlithe - Level 17
Ghost the Gastly - Level 14
Gaga the Horsea - Level 23
LitaFord the Poliwag - Level 22
Eminem the Magikarp - Level 5
Bieber the Venonat - Level 26
Crimson the Goldeen - Level 20
Rush the Doduo - Level 24
BeachBoy the Lapras - Level 25
Sia the Tangela - Level 20
Motorhead the Ponyta - Level 34
FFDP the Machop - Level 35
Blondie the Psyduck - Level 31
Babymetal the Tentacool - Level 5

Deaths: 3
TLC the Butterfree lvl 5-17
Birdman the Fearow lvl 3-35
White the Arbok lvl 5-44

Monday, April 29, 2019

Kanto Part 6: Flooding the Gym

With 2 badges in hand, we make our way towards the 7th gym on Cinnabar Island. First, we stop on Route 21 to pick up a new encounter.

New Pokemon
Species: Tangela
Name: Sia
Nature: Serious
Ability: Chlorophyll

I focused on training Skrillex here because I knew he wouldn't get many opportunities in Victory Road for grinding. Skrillex grew from level 39 to 41 on this route and we arrived on the island.

After a quick heal, we headed towards the Pokemon Lab to revive one of our two fossils. I chose not to revive Lord Helix because I already had LLCoolJ and felt Aerodactyl would be a better fit with the team if I needed to replace someone.

New Pokemon
Species: Aerodactyl
Name: Jagger
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Pressure

Next, we headed to the Pokemon Mansion where we failed our encounter and quickly ran to the basement and picked up the key. I avoided many of the trainers in this area because I wanted to use this area for grinding later.

Cinnabar Island Showdown

I did choose to fight all the trainers in Blaine's gym to get a few extra levels on LL before he faced off against Blaine. This battle was one of the least stressful gym battles I had. I decided the best play was to solo his team with LL. It only took him 6 surfs and 1 hyper potion to run through Blaine's team.

After the battle, Bill needed some help on the Sevii Islands. We decided to join him, mostly because we couldn't progress if we didn't. This part of the game was kind of pointless, just allowed me to get a few encounters and do a bit of training. 

Kindle Road encounter:
New Pokemon
Species: Ponyta
Name: Motorhead
Nature: Bold
Ability: Run Away

Mt. Ember encounter:
New Pokemon
Species: Machop
Name: FFDP
Nature: Lonely
Ability: Guts

Bond Bridge encounter:
New Pokemon
Species: Psyduck
Name: Blondie
Nature: Gentle
Ability: Swift Swim

Route 20 encounter:
New Pokemon
Species: Tentacool
Name: Babymetal
Nature: Careful
Ability: Clear Body

With all that out of the way, next up was our final gym challenge against a familiar foe.

Run Update
Team: 6

LLCoolJ the Blastoise
Level: 43

Skrillex the Jolteon
Level: 41
Shock Wave
Thunder Wave

Meatloaf the Snorlax
Level: 40
Body Slam
Sleep Talk

Spears the Vileplume
Level: 40
Giga Drain
Sleep Powder

Migos the Dugtrio
Level: 40
Rock Slide

White the Arbok
Level: 40

Boxed: 23
RatPack the Rattata - Level 3
Yardbirds the Pidgey - Level 4
OZZY the Zubat - Level 9
B52S the Weedle - Level 7
Criss the Meowth - Level 14
R. Kelly the Drowzee - Level 13
MELLO the Jigglypuff - Level 17
Ludacris the Voltorb - Level 16
BahaMen the Growlithe - Level 17
Ghost the Gastly - Level 14
Gaga the Horsea - Level 23
LitaFord the Poliwag - Level 22
Eminem the Magikarp - Level 5
Bieber the Venonat - Level 26
Crimson the Goldeen - Level 20
Rush the Doduo - Level 24
BeachBoy the Lapras - Level 25
Sia the Tangela - Level 20
Jagger the Aerodactyl - Level 5
Motorhead the Ponyta - Level 34
FFDP the Machop - Level 35
Blondie the Psyduck - Level 31
Babymetal the Tentacool - Level 5

Deaths: 2
TLC the Butterfree lvl 5-17
Birdman the Fearow lvl 3-35

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Kanto Part 5: The Grind

We continue our journey with a few goals in mind: get as many encounters as I can, grind as much as possible, and take on Koga and Sabrina. Side note, I messed up the image at the end, but all the encounters listed in this section are correct. It just has some spoilers for the coming posts.

We revisited Route 8 to start off our grinding nothing too crazy happening here. Skrillex grew to level 29 and LL grew to level 27. After our first battle on Route 10, Skrillex leveled up to 30 and learned bite. I also happened to use my thunderstone:

Species: Jolteon
Name: Skrillex

I taught him double kick and shock wave here as well. Route 10 was a quick trip (Spears grew to level 28) and we moved back to Celadon to see what Team Rocket was up to. Again, nothing too crazy here, but we did get to meet the leader of Team Rocket who gave us the Silph Scope. We made our way to the Pokemon Tower to see if we could find Mr. Fuji who apparently had gone missing. Our trip was immediately interrupted by Kris who was itching to pick a fight. 

Rival Battle #4

This was a very short battle. Kris once again led Pidgeotto who was easily ko'd by Skrillex. He then thought his Gyarados would be able to get rid of Skrillex, but he was easily mistaken. LL handled his Growlithe and Kadabra, while Birdman took care of Ivysaur. After Kris left in shame, we continued up the tower only to be stopped again, but this time by a new friend.

New Pokemon
Species: Gastly
Name: Ghost
Nature: Calm
Ability: Levitate

We ran through the rest of the tower and saved Mr. Fuji who gave us the Poke Flute so we could now wake up Snorlax. We ended up critting the one on Route 12, however the one on Route 16 was more willing to join us.

New Pokemon
Species: Snorlax
Name: Meatloaf
Nature: Hasty
Ability: Immunity

I decided to go back and get some fishing encounters since we received the Super Rod.

In Vermilion City:
New Pokemon
Species: Horsea
Name: Gaga
Nature: Naive
Ability: Swift Swim

In Viridian City:
New Pokemon
Species: Poliwag
Name: LitaFord
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Damp

Next, we made our way along Route 13, 14, and 15 grinding and getting encounters when possible.

Route 13: 
New Pokemon
Species: Magikarp
Name: Eminem
Nature: Gentle
Ability: Swift Swim

New Pokemon
Species: Venonat
Name: Bieber
Nature: Naughty
Ability: Compound Eyes

We failed Route 15, 17 and Paras ran from us in the Safari Zone, but on Route 18 

New Pokemon
Species: Doduo
Name: Rush
Nature: Serious
Ability: Run Away

Everything was going smoothly and the team was shaping up nicely. I knew the bikers on Cycling Road would be an issue because of explosions and I didn't have the best things to deal with poison types. One of the bikers named Hideo decided to test my skill. He led with Weezing and I led Birdman who hit him with a fly doing almost 50%. Weezing returned the favor by poisoning Birdman. We decided to fly again, taking 12 damage from poison. This time, Birdman hits Weezing for just under 50% and it lived on 1 HP. Weezing lands a crit sludge dropping Birdman's HP to 12....which was unfortunate as I watched her slowly die to poison. This death hit the team hard as it was just bad luck, but we had all grown extremely attached to Birdman.

Death comes for ye:
Birdman the Fearow

Species: Blastoise
Name: LLCoolJ

With the loss of a friend, we carefully laid her to rest and decided to add Meatloaf to the team for some extra bulk. We finished the Cycling Road and headed back into Saffron City. We cleared out all of the Silph Co., gained a little gift, and battled Kris once again.

New Pokemon
Species: Lapras
Name: BeachBoy
Nature: Brave
Ability: Shell Armor

Rival Battle #5

Again Kris' battle was underwhelming as it was almost a repeat of before. Skrillex took care of Pidgeot and Gyarados with 2 shock waves, LL surfed all over Growlithe, and Meatloaf put in the finest of work against Venusaur and Alakazam.

We finished up here and made our way to the dojo for a few more levels before taking on Sabrina. I chose to battle Sabrina first since I was already in Saffron.

Saffron City Showdown

Sabrina's gym was a scary place for me so I avoided all the trainers and headed straight for her. Apparently her goal was to set up on me and my goal was for Meatloaf to flatten everything she had. She led Kadabra and immediately went for a calm mind as Meatloaf finished it with a body slam. Mr. Mime was the exact same play. Next was Venomoth. She used psybeam as Meatloaf went for a body slam. Next she healed and Mealoaf attacked with return. The third psybeam was able to confuse Meatloaf who hurt herself. I decided to use a full restore because I wasn't going to be playing that game. Venomoth went for a gust and Meatloaf ko'd with a body slam. Her Alakazam was another repeat of the start of the battle. However, Zam lived the first body slam so Sabrina healed, but it wasn't able to live the second.

With another badge earned, we headed right for Koga. 

Fuchsia City Showdown
Koga wasn't a huge problem for the team. White handled the first Koffing with a couple strengths, Migos ko'd Muk with a magnitude 7, LL surfed the second Koffing, and Meatloaf finished the battle with a huge body slam on the Weezing. She was able to paralyze Weezing on the first body slam and Koga used a full heal on the second.

Run Update
Team: 6

LLCoolJ the Blastoise
Level: 38
Water Pulse

Skrillex the Jolteon
Level: 39
Shock Wave
Thunder Wave

Meatloaf the Snorlax
Level: 39
Body Slam
Sleep Talk

Spears the Vileplume
Level: 38
Giga Drain
Sleep Powder

Migos the Dugtrio
Level: 39
Rock Slide

White the Arbok
Level: 38

Boxed: 17
RatPack the Rattata - Level 3
Yardbirds the Pidgey - Level 4
OZZY the Zubat - Level 9
B52S the Weedle - Level 7
Criss the Meowth - Level 14
R. Kelly the Drowzee - Level 13
MELLO the Jigglypuff - Level 17
Ludacris the Voltorb - Level 16
BahaMen the Growlithe - Level 17
Ghost the Gastly - Level 14
Gaga the Horsea - Level 23
LitaFord the Poliwag - Level 22
Eminem the Magikarp - Level 5
Bieber the Venonat - Level 26
Crimson the Goldeen - Level 20
Rush the Doduo - Level 24
BeachBoy the Lapras - Level 25

Deaths: 2
TLC the Butterfree lvl 5-17
Birdman the Fearow lvl 3-35